Category Bigfoot

Bigfoot and a Missionary

This next tidbit of Bigfoot history comes to us courtesy of the Holland Library of Washington Sate University and more specifically Dr. Robert Ruby for finding the letter. It is a letter from Elkanah Walker who was a missionary to the Spokane Indians of Northern Washington. It was addressed to Reverend David Green who served […]

First Documented Ohio Bigfoot Sighting

Article: Fight with a Wild Man Date: January 1869 Publisher: Hillsdale Standard, Hillsdale Michigan Minnesota Weekly Record Gallipolis Ohio is excited over a wild man,  who is reported to haunt the woods near that city. He goes naked, is covered with hair, is gigantic in height, and “his eyes start from their sockets.” A carriage, […]

Great Medicine and Bigfoot

There is an epic tale within the Cheyenne Indian culture. It tells the story of the creation of their people and their early history. It combines many tales and stories into one epic. It can be read in its entirety here: However for the purpose of this blog I will highlight the Bigfooty parts. […]

Cannibal Bigfoot

  In 1847 painter and explorer Paul Kane was in the Pacific Northwest making scetches of both nature and Native Americans to take back home to Toronto and turn into paintings. Kane also kept a journal describing his travels and scetching subjects. It is in this journal that we first learn of the Skookums. March […]

The First Bigfoot Track

Like this on Facebook!     Before you start shouting things at your screen like: “snow melting distorts prints” “you have no idea how long they were there” and “the Tooth Fairy isn’t real either”! Just take a deep breath, listen to the story, and take back what you said about the tooth fairy… […]

Viking + Bigfoot = Myth

Some will argue that the earliest documented Bigfoot sighting was recorded when Leif Erickson visited the new world in 986 A.D. Many base this off of Samuel Morison’s account of the Viking travels in his book The European Discovery of America – The Northern Voyages. (1971. Oxford University Press) In this account Erickson describes creatures as […]

Bigfoot as a Wodewose

Beginning in the 12th Century,  Medieval Europe saw the Wodewose rise to fame in literature and art. From this time through the 16th Century the running theme of a wild man carrying a club was prevalent in tales and stories. Nowadays the debate over this creature seems to have three sides to it. Was it […]

Hairy Bigfoots Are Girls Too!

Pliny the Elder was a man of many talents in Ancient Rome. He was a naturalist, author, naval commander, and lawyer. For the purposes of this blog we will focus on his naturalist and author sides. His last known work was an encyclopedia titled Naturalis Historia. It is one of the largest ancient texts to […]

Bigfoot Vs…. A Goat

If your first guess about the title is the feature match at Wrestlemania, I am sorry but you are mistaken. However within later Greek and the immergence of Roman culture the large hairy wild man did lose out to a more popular goat. Throughout Greek society there were tales and fables about these wild men […]