Tag Archives: Wild man

First Documented Ohio Bigfoot Sighting

Article: Fight with a Wild Man Date: January 1869 Publisher: Hillsdale Standard, Hillsdale Michigan Minnesota Weekly Record Gallipolis Ohio is excited over a wild man,  who is reported to haunt the woods near that city. He goes naked, is covered with hair, is gigantic in height, and “his eyes start from their sockets.” A carriage, […]

Bigfoot as a Wodewose

Beginning in the 12th Century,  Medieval Europe saw the Wodewose rise to fame in literature and art. From this time through the 16th Century the running theme of a wild man carrying a club was prevalent in tales and stories. Nowadays the debate over this creature seems to have three sides to it. Was it […]

Bigfoot Vs…. A Goat

If your first guess about the title is the feature match at Wrestlemania, I am sorry but you are mistaken. However within later Greek and the immergence of Roman culture the large hairy wild man did lose out to a more popular goat. Throughout Greek society there were tales and fables about these wild men […]